2015 . 6 . 26







ところで、どうやって論文を読むのかというと、様々な入手方法があります。でも世界中で一番多くの論文を載せている図書館というか、インターネット上の検索サイトがあります。USAのNCBI; National Center for Biotechnology Informationという機関で運営しているPubmedというサイトです。公益的で、非営利ですから、世界一多くの論文が収載されていながら、簡単に検索できます。もちろん洋語(主に英語、他の言語の場合は抄録abstractだけ英語)オンリーです。


Ophthalmology. 1992 Dec;99(12):1759-65.
Blepharoptosis induced by prolonged hard contact lens wear.
van den Bosch WA1, Lemij HG.
Author information
The authors attempt to establish a relation between hard contact lens wear and upper eyelid ptosis.
This study consists of two parts. In the first part, the authors compare the unilateral or bilateral ptosis that developed during hard contact lens wear in 17 patients with the involutional ptosis that developed in another group of 73 patients. In the second part, the authors compare both upper and lower eyelid position in 46 patients who had been wearing hard contact lenses for at least 10 years with the position of 50 matched controls who had never worn contact lenses.
The ptosis that had developed in the 17 patients who wore hard contact lenses was clinically similar to that caused by involutional levator disinsertion. The second part of the study shows that the prolonged wearers of hard contact lenses had upper eyelids that were lower by approximately 0.5 mm when compared with control subjects. This difference is statistically significant. According to standard criteria, there were at least 10 ptotic eyelids in the contact lens group versus 1 in the control group.
The study findings suggest that prolonged hard contact lens wear may induce a lower position of the upper eyelid and eventually lead to ptosis through levator disinsertion.


1992年には、既に提唱されていたのです。簡単に云えば、ハードコンタクトレンズの長期装用で眼瞼下垂が多頻度に発症する統計的根拠です。これは抄録ですが、本文内容によると、危険率は約10年で3倍を越えるそうです。 これだけですが、とっても有用でしょ?。皆さんのうち、なんか年のせいでまぶたが重くなって来たかなあ?。仕方ないのかなあ?。と感じている方が多くいらっしゃると思います。そのうちハードコンタクトレンズを10年単位使って来た人は、原因がそれだ!って判ったでしょう。それだけで、疾病であることが証明されたと言う訳です。当然その方々は治療の対象になると云えます。これには医学的根拠があることが論文に載っていますから!。


でも、上の論文の著者はオランダの眼科医です。欧米ではOphthalmic Plastic Surgery眼形成外科という科目があり、まぶたの治療をします。日本では、形成外科医が主体ですが、私達はまぶたの診療が半分を越えますから、さしずめ日本の眼形成外科の中心者と自負しています。それでは、眼科医に申し訳ないので、日本の眼科医の書いた眼瞼の論文を探してみました。あとで載せます。

Can J Ophthalmol. 2011 Aug;46(4):333-6. doi: 10.1016/j.jcjo.2011.06.010. Epub 2011 Jul 7.
Not only hard contact lens wear but also soft contact lens wear may be associated with blepharoptosis.
Bleyen I1, Hiemstra CA, Devogelaere T, van den Bosch WA, Wubbels RJ, Paridaens DA.
Author information
The authors attempt to establish an association between prolonged hard and soft contact lens wear and ptosis.
Single-center retrospective consecutive series.
All patients between 18 and 50 years of age who were diagnosed with unilateral or bilateral ptosis between January 2002 and December 2005 (35 patients).
In a retrospective consecutive series, we included all patients between 18 and 50 years of age, with unilateral or bilateral ptosis between January 2002 and December 2005. Patients with congenital ptosis, ophthalmic surgery or disease, trauma, giant papillary conjunctivitis, unknown duration of contact lens wear, or muscular or neurologic disorders were excluded. We compared this study group to a Dutch reference population (the total underlying population from which the ptosis cases derive).
The group included 35 patients: 20 (57%) (ages 18 to 50 years, average 37 years) had been wearing hard contact lenses for, on average, 17.6 years (range 6 to 27 years); 9 (26%) (ages 18 to 45 years, average 30 years) had been wearing soft contact lenses for, on average, 9 years (range 1.5 to 20 years); and 6 (17%) (ages 23 to 39 years, average 33 years) had no history of contact lens wear. The odds ratio for soft contact lenses was 14.7 (4.2 to 50.7; CI = 95) and for hard contact lenses 97.8 (22.5 to 424).
This study suggests that not only hard contact lens wear but also soft contact lens wear may be associated with ptosis.



Am J Ophthalmol. 2006 Jun;141(6):1092-1096.
Histopathology of blepharoptosis induced by prolonged hard contact lens wear.
Watanabe A1, Araki B, Noso K, Kakizaki H, Kinoshita S.
Author information
To clarify histopathologically the structural features of blepharoptosis in prolonged hard contact lens wearers.
Retrospective case-control study.
Biopsy specimens from identical sites at the levator aponeurosis and Mueller muscle from 15 long-term hard contact lens wearers were examined histopathologically (group 1). They comprised two men and 13 women with bilateral blepharoptosis ranging in age from 26 to 59 years (mean +/- SD, 44.4 +/- 10.70 years). The average length of hard contact lens wear was 25.4 years (range 12 to 40 years), and the average spherical equivalent refractive error was -9.100 diopters (range -2.825 to -20.375 diopters). We also examined specimens from 15 patients with involutional blepharoptosis who underwent levator resection; they comprised three men and 12 women ranging in age from 64 to 79 years (mean +/- SD, 72.3 +/- 4.38 years).
All patients in group 1 manifested fibrosis and negligible fatty degeneration in Mueller muscle. In group 2, we detected mild fibrosis in Mueller muscle and fatty degeneration of the aponeurosis and Mueller muscle.
Prolonged hard contact lens wear induces fibrosis in Mueller muscle and may result in contact lens-induced blepharoptosis.



Nihon Ganka Gakkai Zasshi. 2008 Oct;112(10):876-81.
[A case of blepharoptosis associated with long-term use of soft contact lenses].
[Article in Japanese]
Nemoto Y1, Morikawa K, Kaneko H.
Author information
Several articles have reported a growing number of acquired blepharoptosis in wearing soft contact lens. Although wearing hard contact lens is widely accepted as a risk factor for acquired blepharoptosis, there is a relative paucity of information on the risk posed by soft contact lenses.
A 51-year-old female who had used soft contact lenses for more than 30 years complained of unilateral blepharoptosis. The affected upper eyelid demonstrated good levator function and high lid crease. Instillation of 5% phenylephrine resulted in resolution of the blepharoptosis. A transcutaneous levator resection disclosed thinning of the levator aponeurosis and showed good results postsurgically. A biopsy specimen from the levator aponeurosis and Müller muscle demonstrated sparse muscle fibers and negligible collagen fibers in the intermuscular space.
Although the clinical features are similar to those of acquired blepharoptosis in wearers of hard contact lenses, the histopathological findings may differ from the results of blepharoptosis induced by prolonged use of hard contacts and involutional blepharoptosis as reported previously.


