2015 . 7 . 6





Arch Ophthalmol. 1979 Jun;97(6):1123-8.

Aponeurotic ptosis surgery.


The recognition of defects in the levator aponeurosis associated with a renewed interest in eyelid anatomy has led to a revival of aponeurotic surgery. We describe our approach with emphasis on techniques that help obtain and maintain avascular planes throughout surgery. The advantages of this approach include preservation of (1) tear-producing structures, (2) Müller’s muscle and Whitnall’s ligament, and (3) normal anatomical planes and structures of the eyelid. Our results indicate that this technique is the procedure of choice for acquired ptosis cases. It also gives good results in congenital ptosis cases with at least 5 mm of function. Overcorrection at surgery is necessary in all cases. Tucking of the aponeurosis is to be avoided as no raw healing surfaces are obtained. Results in 60 eyelids with a minimum follow-up of one year are presented.


実に、今から36年前に既に、腱膜性眼瞼下垂症の概念と手術法が記載されているのです。それまでは、先天性眼瞼下垂症の治療ばっかり提唱されていました。形成外科や整形外科は先天的異常の治療を主たる目的として発展して来たからです。眼科領域では一部の医師しか眼瞼下垂を診療しませんから、論文も少ないです。 というか、欧米ではOphthalmic Plastic Surgery という科目?というか医学論文掲載雑誌があって、訳すと眼形成外科ですが、その分野を得意とする医師たちがまぶたの疾患、つまり主に眼瞼下垂症を研究しています。



Ann Plast Surg. 2001 Jan;46(1):29-35.

Etiology and pathogenesis of aponeurotic blepharoptosis.

Author information

  • 1Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Shinshu University School of Medicine, Matsumoto, Japan.


How and why aponeurotic blepharoptosis develops was investigated in terms of the relationship between the levator aponeurosis and Mueller’s muscle functioning as the muscle spindle of the levator muscle. A total of 200 consecutive patients with moderate to severe acquired blepharoptosis completed questionnaires regarding their history of physical irritations to the eyelids, and intraoperative conditions of the levator aponeurosis and Mueller’s muscle were evaluated. Several kinds of physical irritations to the eyelids were reported, such as habitual rubbing of the eyelids, contact lens usage, cataract surgery, and continuous rubbing of the eyelids while crying all night. The two main findings for aponeurosis were that it was disinserted from the tarsus, resulting in a large amount of play between the aponeurosis and the tarsus, and that the aponeurosis and Mueller’s muscle were attenuated and elongated. The authors believe that rubbing may have caused disinsertion as well as attenuation and elongation of the aponeurosis, which result in transmission failures between the levator muscle and the tarsus as well as between the levator muscle and the mechanoreceptor of Mueller’s muscle, leading to clinical blepharoptosis.
さて上記の論文は、信州大学形成外科の松尾清教授が眼瞼下垂症について書いたPubmedで検索できる最初のものです。 彼は、日本形成外科学会や日本美容外科学会(JSAPS)でも、毎回議論沸騰の発表をします。少なくとも、年配の美容外科・形成外科医には理解不能の様で、評価が得られていません。また毎回いくつもの発表をし、それが連綿と関連しているため、見逃すと次から解らなくなります。学校の勉強でもそうですよね。周りの多くの美容外科・形成外科医と話題にしても、理解している人はほとんどいません。難しいからではなく、論理構成が連続しているの途中でで解らなくなるのです。成書がないためでもあります。もちろんこうして論文をよく読み込んでいけば、ポイントは把握できます。


それはそれとして、かなり長くなってしまったので、一度手を止めます。 上記論文をはじめ松尾先生の論理の話は次回以降とし、Pubmedを見ていたら、さらに面白い論文があったので、2枚の表題を載せます。
Arch Ophthalmol. 1977 Aug;95(8):1437-41.
The levator aponeurosis. Attachments and their clinical significance.

Anderson RL, Beard C.

Ophthalmologica. 1979;179(2):94-8.

[Ptosis surgery: anterior approach for levator aponeurosis shortening (author’s transl)].

[Article in German]Hatt M, Anderson RL.
